Under Public Employees' Pension Reform Act (PEPRA) law, members hired on or after January 1, 2013, are subject to increases or decreases to their member contribution rate based on CalPERS’ annual actuarial valuations.

On July 1, 2023, most public agency active PEPRA member employees will see an increase to their contribution rate as a result of the 2021 actuarial valuations.

We’ve designed this toolkit to provide public agency employers with the communication tools they’ll need to share this message to their active PEPRA member employees.

Sample Employer Email/Memo

Note: Only to be sent to impacted PEPRA employees; classic members are not impacted.



You’ll notice your PEPRA employee contribution rate change in your paycheck beginning with the July 1, 2023, pay period.

Under the Public Employees' Pension Reform Act (PEPRA) law, members hired on or after January 1, 2013, are subject to increases or decreases to their member contribution rate each fiscal year based on the CalPERS annual actuarial valuations.

For the July 1, 2023-24 fiscal year, your employee contribution is increasing to «XX%». This member contribution rate helps fund your lifetime pension benefit. You can find more information on the CalPERS Public Agency PEPRA Member Contributions page.

If you have any questions, please reach out to «EMPLOYEE TO CONTACT», «EMPLOYEE'S CONTACT INFORMATION».

Thank you,

Sample Social Media Posts

Option 1

Most public agency active PEPRA members will see a PEPRA member contribution rate increase on July 1, 2023. The PEPRA member contribution rate helps fund pension benefits. You can find the specific PEPRA member contribution rate for your agency on our webpage at: Public Agency PEPRA Member Contributions.

Option 2

Your PEPRA member contribution rate change will be incorporated in your paycheck beginning with the July 1 pay period. Under the PEPRA law, members hired on or after January 1, 2013, are subject to increases or decreases to their member contribution rate based on the CalPERS annual actuarial valuations. This PEPRA member contribution rate helps fund your lifetime pension benefit. Find out more: Public Agency PEPRA Member Contributions.

Option 3

Your PEPRA member contribution rate helps fund your lifetime pension benefits. Based on the most recent CalPERS annual actuarial valuations your contribution rate is increasing for most PEPRA members on July 1, 2023. Learn how this change impacts you: Public Agency PEPRA Member Contributions.
